[Home]Audio signal processing/Talk

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Changed: 1c1,3
Audio signal processing is not quite the same thing as just 'audio' (see for example Vinyl record), but the old page of Audio described it like it was exactly the same thing Audio signal processing. If you have some real content for Audio, please remove the redirect and do a new page :)
Audio signal processing is not quite the same thing as just 'audio' (see for example Vinyl record), but the old page of Audio described it like it was exactly the same thing Audio signal processing. If you have some real content for Audio, please remove the redirect and do a new page :) --Tbackstr

Actually, I think 'audio' is an adjective and shouldn't be used without a substantive, like '[audio equipment]?'. In that case, audio really shouldn't have a separate page. --Tbackstr

Audio signal processing is not quite the same thing as just 'audio' (see for example Vinyl record), but the old page of Audio described it like it was exactly the same thing Audio signal processing. If you have some real content for Audio, please remove the redirect and do a new page :) --Tbackstr

Actually, I think 'audio' is an adjective and shouldn't be used without a substantive, like '[audio equipment]?'. In that case, audio really shouldn't have a separate page. --Tbackstr

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Last edited November 12, 2001 4:03 am by Tbackstr (diff)