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Casa Batllo

Casa Batllo is a building designed by Antonio Gaudi and built in years 1905-1907; situated at 43, Paseo de Gracia Street in Barcelona, Spain.

The local name for the building is Casa de los huesos (House of bones). It was originaly designed for bourgeosie and situated in a well-off discrict of Barcelona.

The building is looking very remarkable like everything Gaudi designed but especially the ground floor is rather astonishing with tracery, irregular oval windows and flowing sculpted stone work.

It seems that the goal of the designer was to totally avoid straight lines. Much of the front is decorated with mosaic made of broken ceramic that starts in shades of golden orange moving into greenish blues. The roof is arched and was likened to the back of a prehistoric dinosaur.

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Last edited August 9, 2001 12:56 am by Kpjas (diff)