[Home]Andrew Johnson

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Changed: 1,3c1
Andrew Johnson was the 17th (1865-1869) president of the United States. He became president when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.

Johnson was impeach?ed because of a political dispute, and acquitted by a single vote in the Senate?.
Andrew Johnson was the 17th president of the United States, serving 1865--1869. He became president when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Johnson presided over the reconstruction of the United States following the American Civil War.

Added: 4a3
Johnson's conciliatory policies towards the defeated rebels and his vetoes of civil rights bills embroiled him in a bitter dispute with the radical faction of congress, leading the House of Representatives to impeach him on March 3, 1868, but he was subsequently acquitted by a single vote in the Senate?.

Changed: 8c7,13
* Vice President:
* Vice President: none

External references

* Newspaper clippings, 1865--1869: http://www.impeach-andrewjohnson.com/
* Johnson's obituary, from the New York Times: http://starship.python.net/crew/manus/Presidents/aj2/aj2obit.html

Changed: 10c15

Andrew Johnson was the 17th president of the United States, serving 1865--1869. He became president when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Johnson presided over the reconstruction of the United States following the American Civil War.

Johnson's conciliatory policies towards the defeated rebels and his vetoes of civil rights bills embroiled him in a bitter dispute with the radical faction of congress, leading the House of Representatives to impeach him on March 3, 1868, but he was subsequently acquitted by a single vote in the Senate?.

External references


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Last edited November 13, 2001 2:33 am by Hajhouse (diff)