[Home]Amstrad CPC 464

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The Amstrad CPC 464 was an 8-bit home computer produced by Amstrad? in the 1980s. 'CPC' was an acronym for 'Colour Personal Computer', although it was possible to purchase a CPC with a green screen as well as with a colour screen. The CPC 464 was designed to be a direct competitor to the Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum systems.

The CPC 464 featured a Zilog Z80 processor, 64K of RAM, a palette of 27 colours, and a tape player to store programs and data. Like many home computers at the time, the 464 had a version of the BASIC programming language in ROM (the implementation was Locomotive Basic version 1.0). Because the CPC 464 shared a processor with the ZX Spectrum, some games manufacturers developed games for the two systems partly in parallel.

Later models in the 'CPC' series were the [Amstrad CPC 664]? and [Amstrad CPC 6128]?, both of which featured a 3-inch disk drive in place of the 464's tape player (among other small differences).

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Last edited October 10, 2001 1:59 am by Sjn28 (diff)