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Changed: 1,2c1,2
ALPHONSE I., COUNT OF TOULOUSE (1103-1148), son of Count
Raymond IV. by his third wife, Elvira of Castile, was born
ALPHONSE I, COUNT OF TOULOUSE (1103?-1148?), son of Count
Raymond IV by his third wife, Elvira of Castile, was born

Changed: 5c5,7
Jordan. His father died when he was two years old and he

His father died when he was two years old and he

Changed: 9c11
the countship of Rouergue; in his tenth year, upon Bertrand's
the countship of Rouergue. In his tenth year, upon Bertrand's

Changed: 12c14
William IX., count of Poitiers, in 1114. He recovered a part
William IX, count of Poitiers, in 1114. He recovered a part

Changed: 15,17c17,21
by Pope Calixtus II. for having expelled the monks of
Saint-Gilles, who had aided his enemies. He next fought
for the sovereignty of Provence against Raymond Berenger I.,
by Pope Callixtus II for having expelled the monks of
Saint-Gilles, who had aided his enemies.

He next fought
for the sovereignty of Provence against Raymond Berenger I,

Changed: 25,26c29,32
1143. Louis VII., for some reason which has not appeared,
besieged Toulouse in 1141, but without result. Next year
1143. [Louis VII]?, for some reason which has not appeared,
besieged Toulouse in 1141, but without result.

Next year

Changed: 31,33c37,41
in August 1147 embarked for the East. He lingered on the way
in Italy and probably in Constantinople; but in 1148 he had
arrived at Acre. Among his companions he had made enemies
in August 1147 embarked for the East in the Second Crusade.
He lingered on the way
in Italy and probably in Constantinople; but in 1148 he had
arrived at Acre.
Among his companions he had made enemies

Changed: 36,40c44,45
or the mother of the king of Jerusalem suggesting the draught.

See the documentary Histoire generale de Languedoc
by De Vie and Vaissette, vol. iii. (Toulouse, 1872).

or the mother of the king of Jerusalem
suggesting the draught.

Changed: 44c49
Initial text from 1911 encyclopedia -- Please update as needed
Initial text from 1911 encyclopedia -- Please update as needed

ALPHONSE I, COUNT OF TOULOUSE (1103?-1148?), son of Count Raymond IV by his third wife, Elvira of Castile, was born in 1103, in the castle of Mont-Pelerin, Tripoli. He was surnamed Jourdain on account of his being baptized in the river Jordan.

His father died when he was two years old and he remained under the guardianship of his cousin, Guillaume Jourdain, count of Cerdagne (d. 1109), until he was five. He was then taken to Europe and his brother Bertrand gave him the countship of Rouergue. In his tenth year, upon Bertrand's death (1112), he succeeded to the countship of Toulouse and marquisate of Provence, but Toulouse was taken from him by William IX, count of Poitiers, in 1114. He recovered a part in 1119, but continued to fight for his possessions until about 1123. When at last successful, he was excommunicated by Pope Callixtus II for having expelled the monks of Saint-Gilles, who had aided his enemies.

He next fought for the sovereignty of Provence against Raymond Berenger I, and not till September 1125 did the war end in an amicable agreement. Under it Jourdain became absolute master of the regions lying between the Pyrenees and the Alps, Auvergne and the sea. His ascendancy was an unmixed good to the country, for during a period of fourteen years art and industry flourished. About 1134 he seized the countship of Narbonne, only restoring it to the Viscountess Ermengarde (d. 1197) in 1143. [Louis VII]?, for some reason which has not appeared, besieged Toulouse in 1141, but without result.

Next year Jourdain again incurred the displeasure of the church by siding with the rebels of Montpellier against their lord. A second time he was excommunicated; but in 1146 he took the cross at the meeting of Vezelay called by Louis VII., and in August 1147 embarked for the East in the Second Crusade. He lingered on the way in Italy and probably in Constantinople; but in 1148 he had arrived at Acre. Among his companions he had made enemies and he was destined to take no share in the crusade he had joined. He was poisoned at Caesarea, either the wife of Louis or the mother of the king of Jerusalem suggesting the draught.

Initial text from 1911 encyclopedia -- Please update as needed

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Last edited October 19, 2001 8:18 am by Alan Millar (diff)