[Home]Afrika Bambaataa

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Called "the godfather of hip hop", Afrika Bambaataa created electro funk and is one of the driving forces behind early rap music. Whereas Kool DJ Herc and DJ Hollywood are the earliest hip hop dj's (although Hollywood was more of a disco dj - he nevertheless influenced Kurtis Blow and many others), Grandmaster Flash and Bambaataa, who founded the Zulun Nation, recorded some of the most important early rap/hip hop.
Called "the godfather of hip hop", Afrika Bambaataa created electro funk and is one of the driving forces behind early rap music. Whereas [Kool DJ Herc]? and [DJ Hollywood]? are the earliest hip hop DJs (although Hollywood was more of a disco DJ, he influenced Kurtis Blow and many others), it was[Grandmaster Flash]? and Bambaataa who together founded the [Zulu Nation]? and recorded some of the most important early rap/hip hop.

Called "the godfather of hip hop", Afrika Bambaataa created electro funk and is one of the driving forces behind early rap music. Whereas [Kool DJ Herc]? and [DJ Hollywood]? are the earliest hip hop DJs (although Hollywood was more of a disco DJ, he influenced Kurtis Blow and many others), it was[Grandmaster Flash]? and Bambaataa who together founded the [Zulu Nation]? and recorded some of the most important early rap/hip hop.

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Last edited September 8, 2001 3:43 pm by Larry Sanger (diff)