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Adventure (also known as ADVENT or Colossal Cave) was the first computer game to appear in the genre of interactive fiction (before it was even called that). It was originally created as a cave simulation by [Wil Crowther]? in 1972. The version that is known today was created in 1976-77 by [Don Woods]? who expanded on Crowther's original game. There are lots of versions of Adventure for just about any computer imaginable. See xyzzy and maze of twisty little passages, all different.
Adventure (also known as ADVENT or Colossal Cave) was the first computer game to appear in the genre of interactive fiction (before it was even called that). [Will Crowther]?, a programmer at the legendary [Bolt, Beranek & Newman]? (developers of ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet), was an amateur caver, who applied his experience in Mammoth Cave (in Kentucky) to create a game that he could enjoy with his young daughters. [1] Crowther was exploring the real Mammoth Cave in 1972, and did create a map of the real cave, but the game seems to be a completely separate entity, created around 1975. [2] The version that is known today was created in 1976 by [Don Woods]?, who added additional rooms and puzzles to Crowther's unifinished game. Many versions of Adventure may be found, for nearly any computer imaginable. See xyzzy and maze of twisty little passages, all different.

Adventure (from Latin res adventura, a thing about to happen), chance, and especially chance of danger; so a hazardous enterprise or remarkable incident. Thus an ``adventurer?,'' from meaning one who takes part in some speculative course of action, came to mean one who lived by his wits? and a person of no character. The word is also used in certain restricted legal connexions. [Joint adventure]?, for instance, may be distinguished from partnership?. A [bill of adventure]? in [maritime law]? (now apparently obsolete) is a writing signed by the shipmaster? declaring that goods shipped in his name really belong to another, to whom he is responsible. The bill of gross adventure in French maritime law is an instrument making a loan on maritime security.

Adventure (also known as ADVENT or Colossal Cave) was the first computer game to appear in the genre of interactive fiction (before it was even called that). [Will Crowther]?, a programmer at the legendary [Bolt, Beranek & Newman]? (developers of ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet), was an amateur caver, who applied his experience in Mammoth Cave (in Kentucky) to create a game that he could enjoy with his young daughters. [1] Crowther was exploring the real Mammoth Cave in 1972, and did create a map of the real cave, but the game seems to be a completely separate entity, created around 1975. [2] The version that is known today was created in 1976 by [Don Woods]?, who added additional rooms and puzzles to Crowther's unifinished game. Many versions of Adventure may be found, for nearly any computer imaginable. See xyzzy and maze of twisty little passages, all different.

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Last edited December 19, 2001 5:13 pm by Joakim Ziegler (diff)