[Home]Adhemar de Chabannes

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ADHEMAR DE CHABANNES (c. 988-c. 1030), medieval historian, was born about 988 at Chabannes, a village in the French department of Haute-Vienne. Educated at the monastery of St Martial at Limoges, he passed his life as a monk, either at this place or at the monastery of St Cybard at Angouleme. He died about 1030, most probably at Jerusalem, whither he had gone on a pilgrimage. Adinemar's life was mainly spent in writing and transcribing chronicles, and his principal work is a history entitled Chronicon Aquitanicum et Francicum or Historia Francorum. This is in three books and deals with Frankish history from the fabulous reign of Pharamond, king of the Franks, to A.D. 1028. The two earlier books are scarcely more than a copy of the Gesta regum Francorum, but the third book, which deals with the period from 814 to 1028, is of considerable historical importance. This is published in the Monumenta Germaniac historica. Scriptores. Band iv. (Hanover and Berlin, 1826-1892). He also wrote Commemoratio abbatum Lemovicensium basilicae S. Martialis apostoli (848-1029) and Epistola ad Jordanum Lemovicensem episcopum et alios de apostolatu S. Martialis, both of which are published by J. P. Migne in the Patrologia Latinia, tome cxli. (Paris, 1844-1855).

See F. Arbellot, Etude historique et litteraire sur Ademar de Chabannes (Limoges, 1873); J. F. E. Castaigne, Dissertation sur le lieu de naissance et sur la famille du chroniqueur Ademar, moine de l'abbaye de St Cybard d'Angouleme (Angouleine, 1850).

Initial text from 1911 encyclopedia -- Please update as needed

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