[Home]Renewable energy/Talk

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How is a wind farm different from wind generators? Also, the list doesn't need to be all-inclusive; we don't have tidal, temperature gradient, salinity gradient, and other possible renewables on that list. Also, I'd argue that electricity generation isn't key to renewables. Using biomass to create liquid fuels or using a lens to power a solar oven could both be considered renewables, I think. --Belltower
I agree, and I suggest that you work the above into the real article and drop this page again. --Pinkunicorn
Certainly we should try to be fairly all-inclusive! (Perhaps a few odd ideas could be left out - like we could feed hamsters plant material and then run them on treadmill generators, but no....)
I heard that researchers are genetically altering some plants to produce hydrocarbon products which can be later processed into fuels. The process is not different from using natural plants such as sugar canes to produce ethanol, or extracting latex or oil from plants etc. Fuel producing genes can be added to some bacteria so that the production don't have to be plant based. The genetic engineering only makes the process more efficient by producing the building blocks.

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Last edited August 1, 2001 9:40 am by 63.192.137.xxx (diff)