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Punctuation marks are written symbols that do not correspond to either phonemes of a spoken language nor to lexemes of a written language, but which serve to organize or clarify writings. Some common examples used by English and other languages using the Roman alphabet are:

Also related are diacritical? marks, which serve to distinguish among similar sounds using the same primarly letter symbol, or to clarify emphasis or tone.

(NOTE: I've made these subpages solely for disambiguation for such terms as "dagger" and "colon" that will have different meanings at top level, and to make cross-linking easier. After UMW 0.92 is out, they should probably be "Bullet (Punctuation)" and so on. Also, top-level pages pointing here are certainly appropriate.)

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Last edited August 8, 2001 6:12 am by 198.133.22.xxx (diff)