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Authors: these are all topics we want articles for. Please try your hand. When they get past the stub stage, add them in on the main page.

Readers: if there are topics you would like to see addressed, add them here.

Political Systems and Ideologies
Bolshevism? -- [Classical Liberalism]? -- Fascism -- Federalism --Feudalism -- Left-wing -- Neo-Liberalism? -- Neo-Conservatism? -- Plutocracy -- Right-wing? -- [States Rights]? -- Syndicalism -- Techno-anarchy? -- Techno-capitalism? -- [The New Left]? -- [The Old Left]? -- [Third Way]? -- Totalitarianism

Sector-based Ideologies
Feminism -- [Indigenous Rights]? -- [Minority Rights]?

Political Entities
City-state? -- County? -- Nation-state? -- Province? -- World-state? -- [Organized Group]? / [Special Interest Group]? -- Bureaucracy -- Tyranny?

Classical and modern political theorists
John Locke -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau -- [Micheal Bakunin]?

Contemporary Political Theorists:
[William F. Buckley]? -- [John Rawls]? -- Robert Nozick

comment: this seems like an ideal candidate for incorporation into a WikiProject.

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Last edited October 7, 2001 10:48 am by The Cunctator (diff)