[Home]Hard science fiction

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Science fiction focusing on the natural sciences and technological developments.

Character development is commonly secondary to explorations of astronomical or physics phenomena, with the resolution of the plot often hinging upon a technological fix.

Hard science fiction is largely a literary genre, as the complexities of physics rarely translate well to the screen. One of the notable exceptions is 2001 A Space Odyssey, however the movie still leaves out much of the examination of the physics, computer science, and other scientific analyses present in the novel version.

The works of Hal Clement are sometimes said to exemplify hard science fiction. Arthur C. Clarke may also be considered a better-known example.

A science-fiction show which has consciously attempted to be true to portraying physics correctly is J. Michael Straczynski's Babylon 5. The sequel series, "Crusade", went so far as to formally enter into a working partnership with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratories to ensure scientific accuracy.

-- compare Soft science fiction


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Last edited December 13, 2001 11:55 am by RK (diff)