[Home]GNE Project Files/Preliminary DTD

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Instead of describing an entire DTD in detail, we should add tags to this ``example'' XML layout until we think everything is covered.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
 <!DOCTYPE article SYSTEM "preliminaryDTD0.01">
 <id>the-unique-id-for-this-article (assigned)</id>
   <name>Mike Warren</name>
   <name>Someone Else</name>

 <date>January 19, 2001</date>


 <abstract>This is an abstract.</abstract>

 <title>A Title</title>

 <subtitle>A Sub Title</subtitle>

 This is some content. It goes on and on, and doesn't
 really care about what is says. Paragraphs split with
 a blank line. 

 Like this; I am a new paragraph. I'm pretty short, though.

 <subtitle>Another Sub Section</subtitle>

 I am some more content. My purpose is to demonstrate some
 of the semantic hint tags which we might include. <name>Someone
 Else</name> might have a name, associated with a birthday (like,
 say, <date>April 13, 1977</date>). They might have been born
 in a place such as <place>Calgary, Alberta</place> which 
 doesn't have to be a full, canonical place-name.

 It might be interesting to specify <jargon>jargon</jargon>
 in the content. One might even have a footnote, defined inline
 <footnote>This footnote would actually be rendered in a manner
 considered good for the medium. For example, at the bottom of 
 a printed page.</footnote>.

 Although complicated, adding inline LaTeX would be a very
 nice future feature:

 References are a little harder, but defining those inline
 as well might be best, as for the GPL
 <author>Richard Stallman</author>
 <title>General Public License</title>


 <edit date="January 20, 2001" author="Mike Warren foo@bar.com>">
 A context diff on the <content> appears here...


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Last edited August 3, 2001 8:11 pm by Stephen Gilbert (diff)