dy/dt + f(t) y = 0,
where f(t) is some known function. We may solve this simply by rearranging it (using the [chain rule]?) as
d(eF(t)y)/dt = 0,
where F(t) = ∫f(t) dt. Integrating this, we have
y = A e-F(t)
where A is an arbitrary constant. (We can easily check this is a solution)
d2x/dt2 = - x
If we look for solutions that have the form Cekt, where C is a constant, we discover the relationship k2+1=0, and thus k must be one of the complex numbers i or -i. Thus, using Euler's theorem we can say that the solution must be of the form:
x(t) = A cos t + B sin t
To fix the unknown constants A and B, we need initial conditions, i.e. to specify the state of the system at a given time (usually taken to be t=0).
For example, if we suppose at t=0 the extension is a unit distance (x=1), and the particle is not moving (dx/dt=0). We have
x(0) = A cos 0 + B sin 0 = A = 1, and so A = 1.
x´(0) = - A sin 0 + B cos 0 = B = 0, and so B = 0.
Therefore x(t) = cos t. (This is an example of simple harmonic motion)
The above model of an oscillating mass on a spring is plausible but not really realistic. For a start, we've invented a perpetual motion machine which violates the second law of thermodynamics. So lets consider adding some friction for realism. Now, experimental scientists? will tell us that frictional will tend to deccelerate the mass and have magnitude proportional to its velocity (i.e. dx/dt). Our new differential equation, expressing the balancing of the acceleration and the forces, is
d2/dt2 = - c dx/dt - x
where c is our coefficient of friction, and c>0. Again looking for solutions of the form Aekt, we find that
k2 + c k + 1 = 0.
This is a quadratic equation which we can solve. If c<2 we have complex roots ''c1 +/- i c2, and the solution (with the above boundary conditions) will look like this:
x(t) = ec1t (cos c2t - c1/c2 sinc2t)
(We can show that c1<0)
This is a damped oscillator, and the plot of displacement against time would look something like this:
which does resemble how we'd expect a vibrating spring to behave as friction removed the energy from the system...
See also [Laplace Transforms]?, [Eigen Values]?, Eigen Vectors, [Vector Fields]?, [Slope Fields]?, Integration, [Partial Derivatives]?, Vector Calculus