[Home]Danse Macabre

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1 .La Danse Macabre, also called Dance of death, La Danza Macabra, or Totentanz.

Late medieval allegory on the universality of death.

A row of dancing skeletons -- typically with an emperor, king, pope, monk, youngster, beautiful girl, all in skeleton-state.

The best-known Danses Macabres are frescos in French and German churches.

2. The name of Opus 40 by Camille Saint-Saëns, written in 1874. The piece makes particular use of the xylophone? to imitate the sounds of rattling bones.

3. A book by Stephen King on horror fiction, discussing novels, films, and comic books in the genre.

4. The main theme in the 19?? movie "[The Seventh Seal]?", in which a knight plays chess with death, with his life on the line.


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Last edited November 28, 2001 10:38 am by 199.174.169.xxx (diff)