[Home]Castle of the Winds

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Castle of the Winds (cotw) is an old [Windows 3.x]? RPG written by SaadaSoft? and published by [Epic MegaGames]?. The graphics are sixteen-colour icons and there are 34 spells (30 that can be learned without hex editing), 90 types of monsters, 3 towns, 40 dungeon levels (randomly generated), and many item.

It has a Norse? storyline, but it's basically just killing monsters (and buying/selling stuff to kill them with, or keep from getting killed.)

In 1998, the author [Rick Saada]? decided to make it public domain and released the registered version for free, which can now be downloaded at the only substantial cotw website: http://cotwrpg.cjb.net/

Suprising, because Rick Saada is a former Microsoft employee.

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Last edited August 5, 2001 2:19 pm by General Wesc (diff)