Science fiction author, often included in lists of `
cyberpunk' authors
(he edited the early cyberpunk anthology `Mirrorshades')
His first novel, `Involution Ocean' featured the world `Nullaqua' where all the atmosphere was contained in a single, miles-deep crater; the story concerned a ship sailing on the ocean of dust at the bottom, hunting the `dustwhales' that lived beneath the surface.
In the late 1970s onwards, Sterling wrote a series of stories set in a `Mechanist/Shaper' universe: the solar system is colonised, with two major warring factions. The Mechanists use a great deal of computer-based mechanical technologies, the Shapers do genetic engineering on a massive scale. The situation is complicated by the eventual contact with alien civilisations; humanity eventually splits into many subspecies, with the implication that many of these effectively vanish from the galaxy, reminiscent of the The Singularity in the works of Vernor Vinge. The Mechanist/Shaper stories can be found in the collection `Crystal Express' and the novel `Schismatrix'
Sterling has been the inspiration for two projects, which can be found on the Web -
- The Dead Media Project - A collection of `research notes' on dead media technologies, from Incan quipu?s, through Victorian phenakistoscope?s, to the departed video games and home computers of the 1980s. The Projects's homepage, including Sterling's original `Dead Media Manifesto' can be found at
- The Viridian movement - his attempt to create a Green movement without the hair-shirt self-righteousness that the current Green movement is too prone to slip into: he called his proposed design movement the `Viridian' movement, to signify its desire for high-tech, stylish ecologically sound design. The Viridian Design home page, including Sterling's `Viridian Manifesto', is at
- Involution Ocean (1977)
- The Artificial Kid (1980)
- Schismatrix (1985)
- Islands in the Net (1988) - a view of an early 21st century world apparently peaceful with delocalised, networking corporations. The protagonist, swept up in events beyond her control, finds herself in the places off the net, from a datahaven in Grenada, to a Singapore under terrorist attack, and the poorest and most disaster-struck part of Africa.
- The Difference Engine (with William Gibson) - steampunk
- Heavy Weather (1994) - about hi-tech storm chasers in a midwest where greenhouse warming has made tornadoes far more energetic that the present day.
- Holy Fire (1996) - about a world of steadily increasing longevity, and the marginalised subculture of young artists in such a world.
- Distraction (1998) - a master political strategist and a genius genetic researcher find love as they fight an insane Louisiana governor for control of a high-tech scientific facility in a post-collapse United States
- Zeitgeist (2000)
Short Story collections (and Stories they contain):
- Crystal Express (1989)
- Globalhead (1992)
- A Good Old-fashioned future (1999)
- Maneki Neko
- Big Jelly (with [Rudy Rucker]?)
- The Littlest Jackal
- Sacred Cow
- Deep Eddy
- Bicycle Repairman
- Taklamakan
- The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier (1992) - about the panic of law enforcers in the late 1980s about 'hackers' and the raid on Steve Jackson Games. Reasoning that the book had a naturally time-limited commercial life, he has made the text of the book freely available via the Project Gutenberg