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Blue is one of the three primary additive colours; blue light has the shortest wavelength (about 470 nm) of the three primary colours.

A clear sky on a sunny day is coloured blue because of Rayleigh scattering of the light from the Sun. Large amounts of water look blue because red light around 750 nm is absorbed as an overtone of the O-H stretching vibration. Interestingly, heavy water (D2O) is colourless, because the absorption band is at a longer wavelength (~950 nm).

If your browser supports colour display, the following patch should be blue:


Usage, symbolism, colloquial expressions

Blue is also the title of an album by the Canadian singer/songwriter Joni Mitchell. Kind of Blue is the title of an album by Miles Davis, which has become one of the biggest selling jazz recordings in history.


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Last edited December 13, 2001 12:59 am by Damian Yerrick (diff)