Biographical Listing/B C Biographical Listing/D :
Biographical Listing
- Cabell, James Branch
- Cabot, John
- Cade, John
- Calvin, John
- Calvino, Italo
- Cameron, James
- Campbell, Joseph
- Camus, Albert
- Canetti, Elias
- Cannon, Joseph Gurney, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
- Cantor, Georg
- Cão, Diego
- Capra, Frank
- Carey, Mariah
- Caron, Leslie
- Carroll, Lewis
- Casement, Sir Roger
- Catullus, Caius Valerius
- Cervantes, Miguel
- Celestine I, Pope
- Celestine II, Pope
- Chaitin, Gregory
- Chamberlain, Neville
- Chaplin, Charlie
- Charlemagne
- Charles, Craig
- Chernenko, Konstantin Ustinovich
- Chesterton, Gilbert Keith
- Chopin, Henri
- Chuck D
- Churchill, Winston Spencer
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius
- Clavell, James
- Clancy, Tom
- Clapton, Eric
- Clarke, Arthur C.
- Cleese, John
- Clement II, Pope
- Clement III, Pope
- Clement IV, Pope
- Clement V, Pope
- Clement VI, Pope
- Clement VII, Pope
- Clement VIII, Pope
- Clement IX, Pope
- Clement X, Pope
- Clement XI, Pope
- Clement XII, Pope
- Clement XIII, Pope
- Clement XIV, Pope
- Clemente, Roberto
- Cleopatra
- Clinton, Bill
- Clinton, George (2x)
- Clinton, Hillary Rodham
- Clodius Pulcher, Publius
- Cobain, Kurt
- Coen, Joel and Ethan
- Cohen, Paul
- Collins, Michael (2x)
- St. Columba
- St. Columbanus
- Columbus, Christopher
- Confucius
- Connery, Sean
- Connes, Alain
- Conrad, Joseph
- Conway, John Horton
- Cook, James
- Cook, Peter
- Coppola, Francis Ford
- Corbusier, Le
- Cotten, Joseph
- Cranmer, Thomas
- Cray, Seymour
- Cromwell, Oliver
- Crookes, Sir William
- Crosby, Bing
- Crossing, William
- Cruz, Penelope
- Cummings, E.E.
- Curl, Robert
- Cyril, Saint