Krishna counsels Arjuna on a wide range of topics, beginning with a tenet of Hindu faith that everybody reincarnates, so the lives lost in battle aren't really lost. Krishna goes on to expound on many spiritual matters, including several different yogas or paths of devotion. In the eleventh chapter, Krishna shows Arjuna that he is in fact an incarnation of the god Vishnu.In short bhagavat Gita is considered as the greatesst Psycho therapy given to a totaly broken man ( Arjuna) and made fight to win the Mahabharat Battle.
At a deeper level of understanding, the war is a metaphor for the confusions, doubts, fears and conflicts that trouble all people at one time or another.
The Gita addresses this discord within us and speaks of the yoga of equanimity - a balanced outlook. The term yoga covers a wide range of meanings, but in the context of the Bhagavad Gita it refers to a unified outlook, serenity of mind, skill in action, and the ability to stay attuned to the glory of the Self, that is, to Atman/Brahman?. According to Krishna, the root of all suffering and discord is the agitation of the mind caused by desire. The only way to douse the flame of desire, says Krishna, is by stilling the mind through discipline of the senses and the intellect.
However, total abstinence from action is regarded as being just as detrimental s extreme indulgence. According to the Bhagavad Gita, the goal of life is to free the mind and intellect from their complexities and to focus them on the glory of the Self. This goal can be achieved through the yogas of action, devotion and knowledge.