cultural movement in art history following the
Renaissance. The word "Baroque," like most
period or stylistic designations, was invented by later critics rather than practitioners of the arts in the 17th and early 18th centuries. The Baroque period falls between the Mannerist
? and Roccoco
? periods. The term "Baroque" was rehabilitated in 1888 by the
German [art historian]
? [Heinrich Woelfflin]
? (1864-1945).
Examples of typical architecture:
- [San Lorenzo]?, (Turin?, 1666 to 1679)
- [San Carlo alle quattro fontane]?, (Rome, DATES? - Francesco Borromini
- [Chateau de Versailles]?, (Versailles, 1661 to 1774) - many co-operators
- [St. Pauls Cathedral]?, (London, 1675 to 1710) - [Christopher Wren]?
- Karlskirche?, (Vienna, 1715-1737) - [Johann Fischer von Erlach]?
Examples of typical Baroque Music:
- Johann Sebastian Bach, ( The Art of the Fugue, 1685 to 1750)
Examples of typical [Baroque Poetry]?:
- [Torquato Tasso]?, (Gerusalemme Liberata, 1584)
- John Donne, the 'Holy Sonnets'
Examples of typical Baroque Art
- Gian Lorenzo Bernini, The Ecstasy of St. Theresa
Dance was popular in the Baroque era.
"Baroque" is also used of a particular shape of natural pearls.