August 25th is the 237th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar (238th in leap years), with 124 days remaining.
- 1841: [Emil Kocher]? (Nobel Prize recipient for work on the thyroid)
- 1850: [Charles Richet]? (Nobel Prize recipient for his work on anaphylaxis)
- 1900: Sir [Hans Adolf Krebs]? (Nobel Prize recipient for his description of the importance of co-enzyme A)
- 1913: [Walt Kelly]? (cartoonist)
- 1918: [Leonard Bernstein]? (conductor, composer)
- 1918: [Richard Greene]? (actor)
- 1919: [George Wallace]? (Governor of Alabama)
- 1923: [Monty Hall]? (TV host)
- 1930: Sir Sean Connery (actor)
- 1933: [Regis Philbin]? (TV host)
- 1933: [Tom Skerritt]? (actor)
- 1944: [Anthony Heald]? (actor)
- 1949: [Gene Simmons]? (bassist)
- 1955: [Elvis Costello]? (songwriter)
- 1961: [Billy Ray Cyrus]? (singer)
- 1964: [Blair Underwood]? (actor)
August 24 -
August 26 -
July 25 -
September 25 - more
historical anniversaries
See Also: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December