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Ascorbic acid and Vitamin C are not equivalent--Vitamin C is a form of ascorbic acid (I'm believing what I'm reading). Ascorbic acid is more general, so if anything, Vitamin C should redirect into ascorbic acid.

However, I think it's best if they're separate entries; ascorbic acid about the general class of ascorbic acid, Vitamin C about the L-idoslkwhater of ascorbic acid.


Exactly. isomer. The L isomer. Althought that isn't the only nomenclature that can be used to describe the isomeric differences. I'm not an expert on the biochemistry of ascorbic acid--it could be that the L form and the D form interconvert to form a racemate in vivo, but I wouldn't bet on it.

one can discuss ascorbic acid as a organic acid without any reference to it as a nutrient. That's why I originally put the stuff in about it's use as a reductant in chemical developer solutions--[Eastman Kodak]? uses tons of this stuff!


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Last edited October 19, 2001 12:39 am by 129.186.19.xxx (diff)