April 15 is the 105th day of the year in the
Gregorian calendar (106th in
leap years). There are 260 days remaining.
- 1452?: Leonardo da Vinci (artist)
- 1843: [Henry James]? (author)
- 1894: [Bessie Smith]? (singer)
- 1933: [Elizabeth Montgomery]? (actress)
- 1950: [Amy Wright]? (actress)
- 1951: Heloise? (newspaper columnist)
- 1959: [Emma Thompson]? (actress)
- 1966: [Samantha Fox]? (singer)
Other significances:
- April 15 or the following Monday (if it falls on the weekend) is the deadline for Americans to file their [tax return]?s. It is a stressful day for most American people. Post offices across the United States stay open until midnight to accommodate the procrastinaters.
See Also: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
April 14 - April 16 - March 15 - May 15 - more historical anniversaries