[Home]Apollo 17

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Eleventh manned mission in the Apollo program. Sixth and last mission to land on the moon.

Launched: December 7, 1972 (first night launch)
Returned: December 19, 1972
Crew members: Gene Cernan, commander; [Ron Evans]?, command module pilot; Harrison Schmitt, lunar module pilot.
Command module: America
Lunar module: Challenger
Landed: December 11, 1972
Lunar landing site: 20.2 N, 30.8 E -- Taurus-Littrow
On surface: 3 days 3.0 hours
Lunar EVA: 22.1 hours (7.2 + 7.6 + 7.3)
Samples: 110.5 kg

A J-class mission, featuring the Lunar Rover. Schmitt, a geologist, was the first scientist on the moon.

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Last edited September 25, 2001 5:03 am by Andre Spiegel (diff)