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1. The term ansible is used in science fiction literature to describe a hypothetical faster-than-light communications device. The term was coined by Ursula K. Le Guin in her 1966 novel, Roccannon's World. Her award-winning 1974 novel The Dispossessed tells of the invention of the ansible within her Ekumen milieu.

The name of the device has since been borrowed by authors such as Orson Scott Card, [Elizabeth Moon]? and Vernor Vinge.

Until a few years ago, faster-than-light communication was thought completely impossible, because the theory of special relativity states that such a device would allow communication with the future, and would thus for instance allow to learn about tomorrow's lottery numbers already today. However, recent studies of quantum entanglement and [quantum tunnelling]? may yet provide a theoretical basis for FTL communication. At the present time (2001) this is highly speculative, and it is likely that implementation of such theories will be impractical.

2. A science fiction fanzine published by [Dave Langford]?, named after 1 above.


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Last edited November 28, 2001 4:33 am by AxelBoldt (diff)