[Home]Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Entry for 755 AD

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This page can probably be killed now. Because there was no other reason for my adding this chunk then as a point of reference in the short story entry, I moved it to a subpage of that entry. Many good points were made about the problems of having this excerpted chunk of the ASC just floating in space without commentary, and this was my solution to it. At least this portion of the issue of "primary" sources has been resolved (maybe?).

If you are confused about what has happened to this page, read talk. If there are no other issues to discuss, then could an administrator delete this page?

Whether the short story entry itself is successful in using this chunk of text is another issue, and I invite talk on that issue to move to that entry.

Thanks for all of the good commentary. I hope this is a satisfactory conclusion.


see short story/755AD


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Last edited October 18, 2001 2:10 am by 141.211.19.xxx (diff)