Perhaps I'm being needlessly contentious, but you say "No article about Aikido can be complete without a discussion of the concept of Ki"--a statement which contains a link to
Qi but not a discussion of it. Is this irony unintended? Why not add at least a brief discussion of Qi on the aikido page (maybe leaving the more lengthy discussion in place)? --KQ
I just recently linked the reference to Ki to Qi because I knew the entry existed. Someone more educated on such a subject than I needs to tie this in, I'm afraid. Better linked than nothing!
Alan D
True. Well I suppose someone will pick it up. My last reading on it was in high school, though I suppose I could copy and paste. I'd rather someone genuinely knowledgeable about it do it, though. --KQ
The recently added text may violate copyright unless it is added by the origin author.
Could you list the source you think it's from to help the rest of us check it out? :-) --KQ
I have no idea, but it was mentioned the writings come from "Aikido FAQ" and "The Spirit of Aikiko". Quoting the source does not get you the right to reproduce the text here, does it?
- I'd guess that this very brief quote should be ok under fair use.
Hi New face here made some changes. to origin and styles : Simon