Heschel was a descendant of preeminent rabbinic families of Europe, both on his father's and mother's side. After receiving a traditional yeshiva education, he studied at the Univ. of Berlin, where he obtained his doctorate, and at the Hochschule fuer die Wissenschaft des Judentums, where he taught Talmud. Escaping from the Nazis, he found refuge both in England and America, where he briefly served on the faculty of Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati.
In 1946 he came to the Jewish Theological Seminary of American (JTS) as Professor of Jewish Ethics and Mysticism, where he served until his death in 1972. Rabbi Heschel explicated many facets of Jewish thought including studies on medieval Jewish philosophy, Kabbalah, and Hasidism. He was also known as an activist for civil rights in the USA, and an activist for freedom for Soviet Jewry. You can learn more at:
http://www.congregationbeth-el.org/heschel.html http://www.jcn18.com/heschel http://learn.jtsa.edu/topics/reading/bookexc/gillman_conservativej/chap5/part5.shtml