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Revision 5 . . February 13, 2001 5:31 am by (logged).bomis.com
Revision 4 . . February 9, 2001 10:11 am by LarrySanger
Revision 3 . . (edit) January 22, 2001 8:18 am by LarrySanger

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1
Maybe you don't want to clutter up Wikipedia with questions or discussion the importance of which does not seem eternal. Or maybe, for whatever reason, you'd just like to chat with other WikiPedians without doing so via the wiki format. Great, then sign up for Wikipedia-L! Here is a link to the sign-up page (where you can also find [a Wikipedia-L archive]):
Wikipedia-L is WikiPedia's mailing list.

Changed: 3c3
Maybe you don't want to clutter up Wikipedia with questions or discussion the importance of which does not seem eternal. Or maybe, for whatever reason, you'd just like to chat with other WikiPedians without doing so via the wiki format. Great, then sign up for Wikipedia-L! Here is a link to the sign-up page:

Changed: 5c5,6
I have just one request. If someone asks a question, answers a question, or otherwise says something of lasting interest, will you please put it on the wiki? TIA.
:You can also find [a Wikipedia-L archive].

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