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Changed: 1c1
Definition:Given a SeT S, a SeT T is a SubSet of S if, for all x belonging to T, x belongs to S.
Definition: Given a SeT S, a SeT T is a SubSet of S if, for all x belonging to T, x belongs to S.

Changed: 3c3
T is a SubSet of S <-> T is contained in S
T is a SubSet of S <-> T is contained in S

Changed: 6c6
Example: Given the SeT of Complex Numbers: C = {a+bi: a, b belong to R, the real numbers}, then R = {x: x is a real number} is a SubSet of C.
Example: Given the SeT of Complex Numbers: C = {a+bi: a, b belong to R, the real numbers}, then R = {x: x is a real number} is a SubSet of C.

Changed: 8c8
This is true because any x in R can be represented as x+0i.
This is true because any x in R can be represented as x+0i.

Definition: Given a SeT S, a SeT T is a SubSet of S if, for all x belonging to T, x belongs to S.

T is a SubSet of S <-> T is contained in S

Example: Given the SeT of Complex Numbers: C = {a+bi: a, b belong to R, the real numbers}, then R = {x: x is a real number} is a SubSet of C.

This is true because any x in R can be represented as x+0i.

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Last edited February 13, 2001 7:27 am by RoseParks (diff)