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AyeSpy has no college degree, and has not attended an accredited InstituteOfHigherLearning?. He declares that his ramblings should not be regarded as authoritative or mainstream, but rather the IdiosyncratiC, (though hopefully well-considered) views of one looking from the outside in.

AyeSpy has over 3900 classroom and field hours in investigative and intelligence training - including classes in ethics, human behavior and psychology, methods of managing interpersonal interaction; the equivalent of more than a master's degree in his field. He has 21 years as a private investigator for law firms.

He writes science fiction.

He has worked professionally in over 30 different fields, from horse husbandry, auto mechanics and home construction to photography, marketing, personnel management and counseling.

He is a vocalist, guitarist, and song writer.

He has made a lifelong study of education technology as well as philosophy and comparative religion. He has an interest in quantum physics, and the concept referred to as Quantum Consciousness.

What on earth does AyeSpy do with himself all day?

AyeSpy as Investigator - Job Duties:

Photos/videography/diagraming of accident scenes, plaintiff and defendant vehicles, client injuries, scars, disfigurement, disabilities.

Photos/videography of Photos or micro-photography of physical evidence and of purportedly defective products, food adulteration, etc.

Obtaining of photos or video taken by others and analysis of same. Includes: Police, coroner, private security officers and/or investigators, adjusters, aerial photos

Inspect vehicles for evidence of impact force, accident causation reasons, crashworthiness, mechanisms of injury causation. Supervise vehicle tear-down for these purposes.

Secure, preserve and regulate access to accident vehicles as appropriate

Obtain, Inspect, analyze, and preserve physical evidence and purportedly defective products of all kinds in order to determine facts and liability. For instance: failed ladders, chairs, tires, mechanical car parts, stair elements, stoves, electrical parts, lights, ropes, cable and webbing, hinges, frames, stands, glass items, clothing, hand tools, power tools, fuel systems and tanks, bikes, motorcycles, medical appliances, springs, tensioners, latches, valves, etc.

Investigation to determine the manufacturers and distributors of products when not clearly stated on same

Obtaining of exemplar products for comparison and testing

Inspection and analysis of premises (including plumbing, wiring, framing, glazing, roofing, masonry, stairs, floors, railings, drywall) in order to determine code compliance and to determine accident causation facts and liability.

Premises illumination analysis

Investigation and analysis of job safety factors and plant operation to determine when ordinary negligence is exceeded or third party liability enters in.

Locate and interview witnesses, record witness statements.

Sitting in on (to observe and regulate) recorded statements of clients by insurance reps

Analysis of potential toxic exposure and causes for environmental illness

Analysis of compliance or lack thereof with safe animal restraint and handling practices

Investigation of compliance with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety laws

Inspection and analysis of roadways, traffic control elements, traffic control plans for safety, compliance with laws and codes, visibility, etc. to determine possible contribution to accident causation.

Accident reconstruction from physical evidence and witness accounts including: vehicle movement, speed from skid, speed from crush, speed from roll, vehicle attitude, occupant impact, elapsed time between events, avoidance factors, braking performance, visibility and vehicle illumination, use or non-use of restraint, etc.

Obtaining of outside reports from police, coroner, other jurisdictions, etc.

Videotape scenes, client activities, defendant activities, statements, other evidence

Obtain police and television and other public-source videos

Video copying and editing

Find and hire consulting and testifying experts in all fields and liaison with same.

Unsnarl difficult property damage issues and P/D value disputes

Investigate to locate insurance and analyze insurance exposure under case facts

Evaluate questionable incoming cases as to worth and sufficiency.

Locate missing persons including defendants, witnesses and clients.

Identify and locate defendants and their agents for purposes of service and correctly naming in complaint

Attend and record salient facts of plaintiff and defendant traffic trials. Prepare plaintiff for traffic trial.

Police, fire, coroner, prosecutor liaison to assist prosecution and conviction of defendants

Review of medical and coroner records to determine causation of injury or death. Liaison with coroner to get erroneous causation corrected on official report

Back-up prospective case interviewing

Prospective case interviewing in hospital or home setting

Rapid service of process on friendly witnesses


Public records research to determine history of accident site, and identities and zones of responsibility of potential defendants

Defendant asset and criminal and civil record searches - background investigation for credibility purposes

Legal research and statutory and case citation to assist attorney in case analysis

Writing of some pleadings in state and federal court.

Determination of relevant discovery issues as requested

Assisting clients in response to discovery if necessary

American Trial Lawyers Association research of current and past similar cases against same or similar defendant or product

Premises security plan and execution analysis

Area crime trend analysis

Travel as necessary to conduct any and all of above out of town and/or out of state.

Represent firm to other firms, public agencies, witnesses and to potential clients in the most capable and professional light possible

To see the list of fields in which AyeSpy has earned $$, look at the AyeSpyList. Included under separate heading are activities pursued out of necessity or for pleasure, but without remuneration...

Bruce, I think you underestimate the value of SeriousScholarship. -- LarrySanger
Au Contraire, mon ami. I esteem it highly. Why do you think I added the warning to readers that I have no degree and no college education? I don't want anyone to place undue reliance on my musings. I only wish I'd had the opportunity to pursue it in my youth. I am frustrated when I lack time and resources to pursue any given line of enquiry to its absolute conclusion, either academically or in life. I have been repeatedly encouraged by professionals to pursue a professional degree, even at this late stage in my life. Economic realities have prevented it, however. My family would starve. One of my great points of pride as a parent has been paving the way for my kids, the eldest of whom enrolls in her post-grad program in the fall, the youngest of whom is already positioned to out-earn me in the field of IT.

On the other hand, it has been my experience that SeriousScholars, highly valuing (and justly so) the effort with which they exhausted themselves to come by knowledge hard-won, tend to jealously guard the status which the successful completion of their studies confers. As such, they tend to be reluctant to acknowledge that the observations of those "uneducated" persons around them, sans-degree, might have validity - exceeding even, at times, the validity of those by the expert.

I have thought up, composed, and written pleadings which, filed with the court and considered in camera without oral argument, defeated the motions or counter-motions of experienced lawyers. I have averted courtroom defeats by catching factual or legal errors in pleadings before they were filed. I have brought to the attention of engineers errors in their observations, assumptions or calculations which invalidated their conclusions. I have brought medical technical data to the attention of medical examiners, with the result that they corrected an erroneous finding on cause of death. I have found results in patient medical testing, and material in medical texts, which proved malpractice. Did you know that a "right bundle branch block" finding on an ECG is a differential for diagnosing pulmonary embolism (instead of, say, gastritis) and that failure to immediately start a prophylactic course of of anticoagulants could kill the patient? I know of at least two emergency docs who either overlooked or forgot that fact, in spite of 10 years of SeriousScholarship.

I deal on a daily basis with experts of all kinds, their contributions to legal cases, and am regularly confronted with the fact that their pursuit of SeriousScholarship gives them an ability which I will never possess to a) analyze, interpret and form accurate conclusions from technical data and b) testify to same in court. Hell, I can't even testify to my own investigative results, because I work for the firm. So, I hire, brief, and manage experts of every stripe. I could not live without them. But some of those experts whom the firm winds up using on a regular basis have developed a habit of having me vet their reports before finalizing them. They value that little extra insurance against being caught with their pants down. In 21 years of very active trial practice, this 11-lawyer firm is undefeated at trial. That record is unmatched in this state. (They'll get us sooner or later, I'm sure. But not yet.)

So, from the viewpoint of a total generalist, I tend to correlate data from diverse fields, test various hypotheses, and come up with what I, in my vanity and arrogance, sometimes think of as insights that others might find interesting. This is not to say that the professionals in these fields are not better informed than I. Within the confines of their field, they doubtless are. I hope that my occasional irreverance for convention does not leave readers with the feeling that I do not respect SeriousScholarship. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

I stand corrected! -- LarrySanger

May I ask why so interested in the subject of (in)sanity? -- AstroNomer

Sure! (you may regret having asked this one) as above, (AyeSpy)"...has made a lifelong study of education technology as well as philosophy and comparative religion. He has an interest in quantum physics, and the concept referred to as Quantum Consciousness." This interest was born when I was 8 or before, when I made up my mind to become the best teacher ever. That dream faded somewhere along the way, but the fascination with learning never did.

A corollary to this interest was an absorbing interest in optimum mental function, especially, later, as it might relate to (of all things) spiritual awareness. How do you get a guy operating at his mental best, optimumly able to learn and grow? My early readings shed little light on this, as I found psychiatric and psychological treatises (which I originally assumed would be authoritative on the subject) to be almost silent on the subject, being preoccupied with mental morbidity. "We can tell you what's wrong, but we won't say what it would look like if it were right." Over the years, I collected a long list of definitions of sanity, some here:

Constantly evaluating one’s own behavior, and one’s own intentions, and the behavior of others, and the intentions of others, towards survival for all.

Concordance between the perceived/recorded and the actual.

Mental function which tends away from the body and toward the intent of God.

Mental function in harmony with natural physical instinct.

Living in the “now.”

The mental state resulting from the removal or resolution of conflicts caused by the discord between intellect and instinct.

Pure rationality, including the rejection of superstition such as religion.

The state of mind originally bestowed by God, broken by man, and capable of restoration through penance and faith.

The acknowledgment that there can be no complete joinder between the subjective and objective universes.

Mental self-possession and self-control, such that external influences are incapable of irreparably upsetting the balance.

Harmony with the Universal Mind.

The full realization and voluntary acceptance of one’s actual circumstances, and the accurate estimation of one’s power or lack of power to change them.

The acceptance of the world as it is, rather than as one would wish it to be, by dealing in rational assumptions, arguments and conclusions based in observable fact.

Total self-knowledge and self-acceptance

Positive behavior resulting from nurturing example and ideal biochemical balance.

Th irony of State of Kansas (petitioner) v. Leroy Hendricks (respondent). Hendricks was considered “sane” before trial and sentencing as a violent sexual predator on the grounds that he both fully apprehended that sexual predation was wrong, and that he was fully capable of understanding the charges against him and assisting in his own defense. When his sentence expired, the state moved to re-incarcerate him in a mental institution this time on the grounds he was insane because he "suffers from a mental abnormality or personality disorder which makes the person likely to engage in predatory acts of sexual violence." No one could argue that the guy was really sane, probably, or that they would want him for a next-door-neighbor - but how's that for a quandary in defining sanity? Heh heh.

Anyway, since there seemed a lot of talk about what abnormal was, but no consensus on what normal was, I made up my own definition. Does that answer your question? (Told you you'd be sorry you asked.)

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Edited February 10, 2001 9:15 am by AyeSpy (diff)