A few facts about (modern) hungarian.
Hungarian /VocabularY? contains many words derived from TurkishLanguage?, GermanLanguage, SlavicLanguages but is quite original and colorful.
Hungarian has many different /CaseS? (esetek), most common are NominativeCase?, AccusativeCase?, DativeCase?, InstrumentalCase?, FinalCase?, SuperessiveCase?, InessiveCase?, ElativeCase?, TerminativeCase?, DelativeCase?. There is also a FormalCase? and a few other ones. I usually start learning a language by learning how to count and the days of the week. Here are /NumberS? (számok).
The order of words in a sentence is almost free and can be used for stressing and denoting. Words can be combined (as in GermaN?) and derived (with suffixes and affixes). The PassiveVoice? is almost extinct (one can find it in old literary texts).
Many grammatical and syntaxical functions, elements or constructions are based on suffixes. The mark for PluraL? is a suffixed -k, eventually preceded by a VoweL? when the WorD? ends by a ConsonanT?
The InfinitivE? of VerbS? is the RadicaL? suffixed by -ni
As an appetizer for a more complete vocabulary (szókincs), an extract for the verb "to be" in hungarian, lenni.
Forms are presented in this order
I, Thou, He/She?/It?, We, You, They
én, te, ´´o, mi, ti, ´´ok
PresentTense?: vagyok, vagy, van, vagyunk, vagytok, vannak
PastTense?: voltam, voltál, volt, voltunk, voltatok, voltak
FutureTense?: leszek, leszel, lesz, leszünk, lesztek, lesznek
PresentTense?: lennék, lennél, lenne, lennénk, lennétek, lennének
ImperativeTense?: legyek, légy, legyen, legyünk, legeyetek, legyenek
'That is one of the beauty of the thing: both.' Example: kérdés a question, három kérdések three questions.