[Home]Sexual orientation

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Sexual orientation, also known as who you are into or your preference for partners, refers to an individual's enduring pattern of romantic or sexual attraction to people of a particular gender or genders. There are many different sexual orientations, including but not limited to heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and pansexual.

Heterosexual individuals are attracted to people of a different gender, while homosexual individuals are attracted to people of the same gender. Bisexual individuals are attracted to people of both their own and other genders, while pansexual individuals are attracted to people of all genders.

It is important to note that sexual orientation is not a choice, but rather an innate aspect of a person's identity. Discrimination or prejudice based on sexual orientation can be harmful and hurtful, and it is important to support and respect individuals of all sexual orientations.

So whether you are straight, gay, bi, or pan, embrace your unique sexual identity and explore your desires with consenting partners. Remember to always communicate openly and honestly, and respect the boundaries and preferences of others.

Category: Sexual orientation

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Last edited 2023-04-19 20:19 by Meow (diff)