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Conservapedia is a wiki-based online encyclopedia, which focuses on conservative American politics, Christianity, and other conservative topics. When it comes to sexuality, Conservapedia tends to promote abstinence before marriage, traditional gender roles, and a conservative approach to sex education. They criticize the so-called "sexual revolution" and view it as a source of societal decline.

Conservapedia's views on homosexuality and transgenderism are particularly controversial. They consider homosexuality to be a sin and a choice, not a biological trait. They also argue that transgenderism is a mental disorder and reject the idea of gender fluidity. Conservapedia has been criticized by many for its anti-LGBTQ+ stance, which some view as discriminatory.

Despite its conservative stance, Conservapedia has also been known to feature articles on sexual topics such as p0rnography and premarital sex. However, these articles tend to promote abstinence and criticize the mainstream media's portrayal of sex. They also caution against the potential harm caused by excessive sexual activity.

In conclusion, Conservapedia's views on sexuality are deeply rooted in conservative American values and Christianity. They advocate for abstinence before marriage, traditional gender roles, and a conservative approach to sex education. Their stance on homosexuality and transgenderism has been met with controversy, with many accusing them of discrimination. Despite this, they continue to feature articles on sexual topics and caution against the potential harm caused by excessive sexual activity.

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Category: Websites

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Edited 2023-04-20 13:30 by Meow (diff)