[Home]History of Rock Bridge High School

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Revision 4 . . (edit) October 8, 2001 7:14 am by Bryan Derksen [apostrophe stomp!]
Revision 3 . . (edit) October 8, 2001 7:10 am by Eean [made the years links]
Revision 1 . . October 8, 2001 1:08 am by Eean [added page]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1c1
A high school in Columbia, Missouri noted for the freedom of the students, though this has decreased in recent years especially for the sophmores. Houses grades 10 - 12; grade 9 is stuck in the junior high schools despite the fact they are gaining high school credit. Part of [Columbia Public Schools]?. Opened in 1973 with 583 students; during the 1999-2000 it had an enrollment of 1077. That was the year a large new wing opened; it will not reach its full capacity until 2002-2003 when the new boundary lines affect every grade.
A high school in Columbia, Missouri noted for the freedom of the students, though this has decreased in recent years, especially for the sophmores. Houses grades 10 - 12; grade 9 is in the junior high schools despite the fact they are gaining high school credit. Part of [Columbia Public Schools]?. Opened in 1973 with 583 students; during the 1999-2000 it had an enrollment of 1077. That was the year a large new wing opened; it will not reach its full capacity until 2002-2003 when the new boundary lines affect every grade.

Changed: 3c3
Rock Bridge is on a [block schedule]?, there are 4 alternating class's each day.
Rock Bridge is on a [block schedule]?, there are 4 alternating classes each day.

Added: 10a11,12


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