[Home]History of National Socialism

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Revision 12 . . (edit) November 30, 2001 6:14 am by The Anome [changed 'crimes against humanity' link target to singular]
Revision 11 . . (edit) November 7, 2001 6:53 am by Verloren [minor wording]
Revision 9 . . November 7, 2001 4:55 am by Taw [Nuremberg Trials were rather means of propaganda than justice. Practice of Nazis and their enemies during war didn't differ much.]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 10c10
The most prominent National Socialist was Adolf Hitler, who ruled Germany from 1933 until 1945, led Germany into World War II, oversaw the murder of over 20 million people and who is held responsible for the Holocaust. Under Hitler, nationalism and racism were joined together through an ideology of Militarism? to serve the goals.
The most prominent National Socialist was Adolf Hitler, who ruled Germany from 1933 until 1945, led Germany into World War II, oversaw the murder of over 20 million people and who is held responsible for the Holocaust. Under Hitler, nationalism and racism were joined together through an ideology of Militarism? to serve his goals.

Changed: 12,13c12
After the war, many prominent Nazis were convicted of [war crimes]? and [crimes against humanity]? at the Nuremberg Trials.
Nuremberg Trials were rather means of propaganda than justice. Practice of Nazis and their enemies during war didn't differ much.
After the war, many prominent Nazis were convicted of [war crimes]? and [crimes against humanity]? at the Nuremberg Trials.

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