[Home]History of Barnabas

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Text to integrate from Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religion:

BARNABAS: The companion of the Apostle
Paul, himself called an apostle in Acts xiv, 4, 14.
According to Acts iv, 36, he was a Levite born in
Cyprus, his original name was Joses, and he was
surnamed by the apostles (in Aramaic)
Barnebhuah, which is explained by the Greek huios
("son of exhortation," not " of
consolation," cf. Acts xi, 23) and denotes a prophet
in the primitive Christian sense of the word (cf.
Acts xiii, 1; xv, 32). Like his aunt, the mother
of John Mark (Col. iv, 10), Barnabas seems to have
been living in Jerusalem, and he sold his property,
after having joined the Christian congregation in
the first year of its foundation, for the benefit of
needy coreligionists (Acts iv, 37; xii, 12). He
soon occupied a leading place in the community.

Authentic History

Of his activity the Book of Acts records that he
introduced the still distrusted Saul to the Jerusalem
church after his return from Damascus (ix, 27).
When the news of the spread of Christianity to
Antioch came to Jerusalem Barnabas was sent to
the former city (xi, 22-24). From Antioch he went
to Tarsus to meet Paul and with him worked for an
entire year in the Antioch church
(xi, 23-26). Both were sent to
Jerusalem with a contribution for the
Christians of Judea (44 A.D.) and
returned to Antioch with John Mark (xi, 27-30;
xii, 25). The three were sent on a missionary
journey to Cyprus, Pamphylia, Pisidia, and Lycaonia
(xiii, 1 sqq.). In the narrative of this journey
Paul occupies the first place from the point where
the name " Paul " is substituted for " Saul " (xiii,
9). Instead of " Barnabas and Saul " as
heretofore (xi, 30; xii, 25; xiii, 2, 7) " Paul and
Barnabas " is now read (xiii, 43, 46, 50; xiv, 20; xv,
2, 22, 35); only in xiv, 14 and xv, 12, 25 does
Barnabas again occupy the first place, in the first
passage with recollection of xiv, 12, in the last two,
because Barnabas stood in closer relation to the
Jerusalem church than Paul. Paul appears as the
preaching missionary (xiii, 16; xiv, 8-9, 19-20),
whence the Lystrans regarded him as Hermes,
Barnabas as Zeus (xiv, 12). After this journey
follows a long stay in Antioch (xiv, 26-28) until
they became involved in a controversy with the
Judaizers and were sent to the Apostolic Council
at Jerusalem, where the matter was settled (xv,
1-29; Gal. ii, 1-10; see APOSTOLIC COUNCIL AT
JERUSALEM). According to Gal. ii, 9-10 Barnabas
was included with Paul in the agreement made
between them, on the one hand, and James, Peter,
and John, on the other, that the two former should
in the future preach to the heathen, not forgetting
the poor at Jerusalem. Having returned to Antioch
and spent some time there (xv, 35), Paul asked
Barnabas to accompany him on another journey
(xv, 36). Barnabas wished to take John Mark
along, but Paul did not, as he had left them on the
former journey (xv, 37-38). An unhappy
dissension separated the two apostles; Barnabas went
with Mark to Cyprus (xv, 39) and is not again
mentioned in the Acts; but from Gal. ii, 13 a little
more is learned about him, and his weakness under
the taunts of the Judaizers is evident; and from
I Cor. ix, 6 it may be gathered that he continued
to labor as missionary.

Legendary History

Legends begin where authentic history ends.
Barnabas is brought to Rome and Alexandria.
The " Clementine Recognitions " (i, 7) make him
preach in Rome during Christ's lifetime, and
Clement of Alexandria (Stromata, ii,
20) makes him one of the seventy
disciples. Not older than the third
century is the tradition of the later
activity and martyrdom of Barnabas
in Cyprus, where his remains are said to have been
discovered under the emperor Zeno (474-491).
The Cyprian church claimed Barnabas as its founder
in order to rid itself of the supremacy of the
Antiochian bishop, just as did the Milan church afterward,
to become more independent of Rome. In this
connection, the question whether Barnabas was
an apostle became important, and was often
treated during the Middle Ages (cf. C. J. Hefele,
Das Sendschreiben des Apostels Barnabas,
Tubingen, 1840; O. Braunsberger,
Der Apostel Barnabas,
Mainz, 1876). The statements as to the year of
Barnabas's death are discrepant and untrustworthy.

Alleged Writings

Tertullian and other Western writers regard
Barnabas as the author of the Epistle to the
Hebrews. This may have been the Roman tradition--
which Tertullian usually follows-- and in Rome the
epistle may have had its first readers. But the
tradition has weighty considerations against it.
According to Photius (Quaest. in Amphil., 123),
Barnabas wrote the Book of Acts, and a gospel is
ascribed to him (cf. T. Zahn, Geschichte des
neutestamentlichen Kanons,
ii, 292, Leipsic, 1890).
Of more interest is the tradition which
makes Barnabas author of an epistle
in twenty-one chapters, contained
complete in the Codex Sinaiticus at
the end of the New Testament. A complete
Greek manuscript was discovered by Bryennios
at Constantinople, and Hilgenfeld used it for his
edition in 1877. Besides this there is a very old
Latin version (now in the imperial library at St.
Petersburg), in which, however, chaps. xviii-xxi
are wanting. Toward the end of the second
century the epistle was in great esteem in Alexandria,
as the citations of Clement of Alexandria prove.
It is also appealed to by Origen. Eusebius,
however, objected to it and ultimately the epistle
disappeared from the appendix to the New
Testament, or rather the appendix disappeared with
the epistle. In the West the epistle never enjoyed
canonical authority (though it stands beside the
epistle of James in the Latin manuscripts). The
first editor of the epistle, Menardus (1645) advocated
its genuineness, but the opinion to-day is, that
Barnabas was not the author. It was probably
written in Alexandria in 130-131, and addressed
to Christian Gentiles. The author, who formerly
labored in the congregation to which he writes,
intends to impart to his readers the perfect gnosis
that they may perceive that the Christians are the
only true covenant people, and that the Jewish
people had never been in a covenant with God.
His polemics are, above all, directed against
Judaizing Christians. In no other writing of that early
time is the separation of the Gentile Christians
from the patriotic Jews so clearly brought out.
The Old Testament, he maintains, belongs only
to the Christians. Circumcision and the whole
Old Testament sacrificial and ceremonial
institution are the devil's work. According to the
author's conception, the Old Testament, rightly
understood, contains no such injunctions. He is
a thorough anti-Judaist, but by no means an
antinomist. The main idea is Pauline, and the
apostle's doctrine of atonement is more faithfully
reproduced in this epistle than in any other postapostolic
writing. The author no doubt had read Paul's
epistles; he has a good knowledge of gospel-history
but which of the gospels, if any, he had read, can
not be asserted. He quotes IV Esdras (xii, 1) and
Enoch (iv, 3; xvi, 5). The closing section (chaps.
xviii-xxi), which contains a series of moral
injunctions, is only loosely connected with the body of
the epistle, and its true relation to the latter has
given rise to much discussion.

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