[Home]Senators Of The United States

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Changed: 1c1,10
Senators of the 107th Congress
Each state selects two senators. In 1913, the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution provided for the direct popular election of senators; prior to this, senators were selected by state legislatures.

Senators of the 107th Congress

The current party distribution of the Senate is as follows:
* 50 Democrats
* 49 Republicans
* 1 Independent

James Jeffords was elected to the Senate as a Republican, but became an Independent several months later. His change meant a change in leadership of the Senate. (The Republican Party had held leadership because the Vice President, a Republican, had the power to break ties.)

Changed: 20c29
:Robert Byrd (D - WV)
:Robert Byrd (D - WV) -- Senate [President pro tempore]?

Changed: 38c47
:[Thomas Daschle]? (D - SD)
:[Thomas Daschle]? (D - SD) -- Senate majority leader

Changed: 92c101
:[Trent Lott]? (R - MS)
:[Trent Lott]? (R - MS) -- Senate minority leader

Changed: 112c121
:[John Rockefeller IV]? (D - WV)
:[John Davison Rockefeller, IV]? (D - WV)

Removed: 141,145d149
* 50 Democrats
* 49 Republican?s
* 1 Independent

James Jeffords was elected to the Senate as a Republican, but became an Independent several months later. His change meant a change in leadership of the Senate. (The Republican Party had held leadership because the Vice President, a Republican, had the power to break ties.)

Each state selects two senators. In 1913, the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution provided for the direct popular election of senators; prior to this, senators were selected by state legislatures.

Senators of the 107th Congress

The current party distribution of the Senate is as follows:

James Jeffords was elected to the Senate as a Republican, but became an Independent several months later. His change meant a change in leadership of the Senate. (The Republican Party had held leadership because the Vice President, a Republican, had the power to break ties.)


[Daniel Akaka]? (D - HI)
[Wayne Allard]? (R - CO)
[George Allen]? (R - VA)


[Max Baucus]? (D - MT)
[Evan Bayh]? (D - IN)
[Robert Bennett]? (R - UT)
[Joseph Biden, Jr.]? (D - DE)
[Jeff Bingaman]? (D - NM)
[Christopher Bond]? (R - MO)
[Barbara Boxer]? (D - CA)
[John Breaux]? (D - LA)
[Sam Brownback]? (R - KS)
[Jim Bunning]? (R - KY)
[Conrad Burns]? (R - MT)
Robert Byrd (D - WV) -- Senate [President pro tempore]?


[Ben Nighthorse Campbell]? (R - CO)
[Maria Cantwell]? (D - WA)
[Jean Carnahan]? (D - MO)
[Thomas Carper]? (D - DE)
[Lincoln Chafee]? (R - RI)
[Max Cleland]? (D - GA)
Hillary Rodham Clinton (D - NY)
[Thad Cochran]? (R - MS)
[Susan Collins]? (R - ME)
[Kent Conrad]? (D - ND)
[Jon Corzine]? (D - NJ)
[Larry Craig]? (R - ID)
[Mike Crapo]? (R - ID)


[Thomas Daschle]? (D - SD) -- Senate majority leader
[Mark Dayton]? (D - MN)
[Mike DeWine]? (R - OH)
[Christopher Dodd]? (D - CT)
[Pete Deminici]? (R - NM)
[Byron Dorgan]? (D - ND)
[Richard Durbin]? (D - IL)


[John Edwards]? (D - NC)
[John Ensign]? (R - NV)
[Mike Enzi]? (R - WY)


[Russell Feingold]? (D - WI)
[Dianne Feinstein]? (D - CA)
[Peter Fitzgerald]? (R - IL)
[William Frist]? (R - TN)


[Bob Graham]? (D - FL)
[Phil Gramm]? (R - TX)
[Chuck Grassley]? (R - IA)
[Judd Gregg]? (R - NH)


[Charles Hagel]? (R - NE)
[Tom Harkin]? ( D - IA)
[Orrin Hatch]? (R - UT)
[Jesse Helms]? (R - NC)
[Ernest Hollings]? (D - SC)
[Tim Hutchinson]? (R - AR)
[Kay Bailey Hutchison]? (R - TX)


[James Inhofe]? (R - OK)
[Daniel Inouye]? (D - HI)


[James Jeffords]? (I - VT)
[Tim Johnson]? (D - SD)


[Edward Kennedy]? (D - MA)
[John Kerry]? (D - MA)
[Herb Kohl]? (D - WI)
[Jon Kyl]? (R - AZ)


[Mary Landrieu]? (D - LA)
[Patrick Leahy]? (D - VT)
[Carl Levin]? (D - MI)
[Joseph Lieberman]? (D - CT)
[Blanche Lincoln]? (D - AR)
[Trent Lott]? (R - MS) -- Senate minority leader
[Richard Lugar]? (R - IN)


[John McCain]? (R - AZ)
[Mitch McConnell]? (R - KY)
[Barbara Mikulski]? (D - MD)
[Zell Miller]? (D - GA)
[Frank Murkowski]? (R - AK)
[Patty Murray]? (D - WA)


[Ben Nelson]? (D - NE)
[Bill Nelson]? (D - NE)
[Don Nickles]? (R - OK)


[Jack Reed]? (D - RI)
[Harry Reid]? (D - NV)
[Pat Roberts]? (R - KS)
[John Davison Rockefeller, IV]? (D - WV)


[Rick Santorum]? (R - PA)
[Paul Sarbanes]? (D - MD)
[Charles Schumer]? (D - NY)
[Jeff Sessions]? (R - AL)
[Richard Shelby]? (R - AL)
[Bob Smith]? (R - NH)
[Gordon Smith]? (R - OR)
[Olympia Snowe]? (R - ME)
[Arlen Specter]? (R - PA)
[Debbie Stabenow]? (D - MI)
[Ted Stevens]? (R - AK)


[Craig Thomas]? (R - WY)
[Fred Thompson]? (R - TN)
[Strom Thurmond]? (R - SC)
[Robert Torricelli]? (D - NJ)


[George Voinovich]? (R - OH)


[John Warner]? (R - VA)
[Paul Wellstone]? (D - MN)
[Ron Wyden]? (D - OR)

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Last edited December 21, 2001 12:48 am by 64.26.98.xxx (diff)