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Nietzsche presupposed that humans are always attempting to inflict their wills upon others. Every action toward another, according to Neitzsche, is born of a basic desire to bring that other under one's own power in some way. Gift-giving, claims of love, praise, or harmful acts such as physical violence, carrying tales, etc. all stem from the same motive: to exert the will over others. Nietzsche's presupposition entails that human beings are basically and only egoistic. Therefore there are no truly altruistic actions. The theory of the will to power is not limited to the psychology of human beings. Instead, it is the essential nature of the universe, manifest in all things. Growth, survival, dominance in business or physical competition, all are seen as elements of this will.

Some see Nietzsche's "will to power" as life-affirming. Creatures affirm instinct in exerting power and dominance. The suffering born of conflict between competing wills and the efforts to overcome one's environment is not evil, but a part of existence to be embraced in that it signifies the healthy expression of the natural order. Enduring satisfaction and pleasure result from living by instinct and successfully exerting the will to power.

An interesting link: http://nietzsche.ps.uni-sb.de

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Last edited July 27, 2001 4:26 am by 66.56.155.xxx (diff)