[Home]Barbara G. Edwards

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Barbara G. Edwards, [high school]? [foreign language]? teacher. Edwards died at 58 in the crash of American Airlines Flight 77 in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack. She was on vacation attending a friend's daughter's wedding in Connecticut, then a visit to her son Doug in New Jersey, and finally a visit to her friends', Wilson "Bud" and Darlene "Dee" Flagg, farm in Virginia. She was traveling back home to Las Vegas with the Flaggs at the time of the crash.

Edwards was born in Germany and moved to Michigan when she was 10 years old. In 1997 she began teaching French and German at Palo Verde High School in the Clark County School District (Las Vegas, Nevada). In 2001 she also started teaching German part-time at the [Community College of Southern Nevada]?.

Barbara Edwards is survived by her sons Doug Edwards, 32, in New Jersey, Scott Edwards, 28, in South Carolina, and Mike Edwards, 33, in San Diego. She also has two grandchildren and three siblings.

[Tributes and Comments]?

See September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack/Casualties.

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Last edited September 14, 2001 3:10 am by Jagged (diff)