[Home]Antigua and Barbuda/Foreign relations

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Antigua and Barbuda maintains diplomatic relations with the United States, Canada,? the United Kingdom, and the People's Republic of China, as well as with many Latin American countries and neighboring Eastern Caribbean states. It is a member of the United Nations, the [Commonwealth of Nations]?, the [Organization of American States]?, the [Organization of Eastern Caribbean States]?, and the Eastern Caribbean's [Regional Security System]? (RSS).

As a member of CARICOM, Antigua and Barbuda supported efforts by the United States to implement UN Security Council Resolution 940, designed to facilitate the departure of Haiti's de facto authorities from power. The country agreed to contribute personnel to the multinational force which restored the democratically elected government of Haiti in October 1994.

In May 1997, Prime Minister Bird joined 14 other Caribbean leaders and President Clinton for the first-ever U.S.-regional summit in Bridgetown, Barbados. The summit strengthened the basis for regional cooperation on justice and counter-narcotics issues, finance and development, and trade.

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Last edited July 11, 2001 7:59 am by KoyaanisQatsi (diff)