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ALAMANNI, or ALLEMANNI, a German tribe, first mentioned by [Dio Cassius]?, under the year 213. They apparently dwelt in the basin of the Maine, to the south of the Chatti.

According to [Asinius Quadratus]? their name indicates that they were a conglomeration of various tribes. There can be little doubt, however, that the ancient Hermunduri [Hermun Duringer-Thueringian] formed the preponderating element in the nation. Among the other elements may be mentioned the Juthungi, Bucinobantes, Lentienses, and perhaps the Armalausi. From the 4th century onwards we hear also of the Suebi [? Suevi] or Suabi. The Hermunduri had apparendy belonged to the Suebi, but it is likely enough that reinforcements from new Suebic tribes had now moved westward. In later times the names Alamanni and Suebi seem to be synonymous.

The tribe was continually engaged in conflicts with the Romans, the most famous encounter being that at Strassburg, in which they were defeated by Julian, afterwards emperor, in the year 357, when their king Chonodomarius was taken prisoner. Early in the 5th century the Alamanni appear to have crossed the Rhine and conquered and settled Alsace? and a large part of Switzerland. Their kingdom lasted until the year 405, when they were conquered by Clovis?, from which time they formed part of the Frankish dominions. In a strange twist, the word "Frankish" eventually gave its name to the Romance language French, while the Alamanni gave their name to the French word for "German."

The Alamannic and Swabian dialects are now spoken in German Switzerland, the southern parts of Baden and Alsace, Wurttemberg and a small portion of Bavaria.

Initial text from 1911 encyclopedia
[ Initial text from 1911 is incorrect ( or English language speakers failed to know ) when it was stated , that "from the 4th century onward we hear of Suebi Suabi Suavi "..

In actuality Suebi, were recorded as a confederation of many tribes in Eastern Magna Germania by Tacitus in 98 AD in his 'Agricola and Germania" . From the Albis - Elbe to beyond the Vistula - Weichsel river , Nuitones, Langobardi (later Lombards), Lemovii, Rugii, Helvecones, Burgundians ,Naharwali, Marcomanni, Helisii, Hari, Manimi , Gotones, Aesti are all living south of the MARE SUEBICUM , as the Baltic Sea or Ostsee (eastern Sea) was called then. Suebi were all the way to the Black Sea and Poles still call Eastern European Germans Schwabs .

Many Suebi-Suevi had to move west , or as the Lombards, south to Italy during the centuries of attempted conquests first by the Roman Empire, later Huns, Slavs, Avars, Mongols, Turks. Suebi gave the name to Schwaben and also to SVE -Sweden.

The Hermunduri -Hermun Duri- Duringer-Thueringer were closer to the Saxons. Saxons took over Thueringen after 500 AD and you find Thueringer royalty had intermarried with Franks.


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